Friday, June 29, 2007
22 Reasons For 22 Years
Twenty two years ago today my knight came and took me away from it all. Here are some of the reason's why I love him so.

1. When we are watching a sappy movie you wiggle your foot furiously during the parts where I am generally crying. I guess to stop yourself from turning into a mushy mess like your wife.

2. Every time you give me a card or send me flowers you sign the card like this: I love you, I adore you, and I can't live without you. You started this when we were dating. You continue to this day. I am sure their are many times you think to yourself "You know, she is really irritating me and it would be OK if she just went and got her own little apartment around the corner". However, you never say that.

3. The way you get all soft and mushy when your little girl runs to you and says " I lub you daddy" and plants a big one on your lips.

4. You are one of the most disciplined people I know. You work out every day Monday thru Friday. When we go on vacation you always ask if the hotel has a gym. You think it is funny when I ask if they have room service.

5. You are a good friend to all and generous to a fault. We saw some old friends at church this past weekend. They reminded me how you had given them one of our cars to drive for 3 months when there's was repossessed during a rocky spot in their lives. This allowed the husband to get a new job and have a way to get there. Nine years later they still remember and are thankful.

6. I love the way that you throw yourself into anything you do 100%....even if it does drive me crazy.

7. I love that you don't like the kids or I to tell anyone that you have a PH.D in Physics. You think it is bragging.

8. I love the looks on people's faces when they find out you have a PHD in Physics. They usually can't believe a cool jock like you could also have such a cool brain.

9. I love that you were embarrassed when I told you some of the Mom's on Garrett's baseball team were checking out your muscular arms and asking me how often you worked out.

10. I love that you laugh when I tell you my little joke about how I will be sure to give you full custody of all the children if you ever dare think of trading me in for a newer model. It cracks me up how the very thought of such a thing sends shivers up your spine. (I know, I know, you would never think such a thing. It is just very funny to say because you get so upset. You are very fun to tease...).

11. I love how no matter what I make for dinner you always tell me it was great.

12. Once or twice a year some emergency comes up and I call you at work to say "Honey, I really need you to come home now". And you know what? You always come. Immediately. Because you know if I didn't really need you I wouldn't ask.

13. You love Jesus.

14. You can remember Bible Versus that you learned for Bible Bowl when you were in Junior High but you can't remember the name of someone you met last week. That's why we are a good team. I can remember the name of the person we met last week but can't remember anything I learned before our first child was born. Go figure.

15. I love the way you look when one of your children asks you to go outside and throw the ball around with them. Your expression always says "How did I get so lucky"?

16. I love that you read the Little League rule book over and over and know all the rules front and back. I especially love it when an obnoxious manager (particular one will not be mentioned here) argues a rule to which you know he is incorrect and you can whip out your trusty rule book and find the exact rule within minutes proving that loud mouth wrong within seconds. Can you tell how much I love this???

17. I love that you always want me to be happy.

18. I love that you can't lie. This is especially helpful around Christmas time. If I ask you if I am getting a certain present you just smile and turn your head. Even though it would be OK to fib a little to keep the Christmas surprise you just can't do it with a straight face.

20. I love that you are still a kid at heart and can play video games with the best of them (meaning your children). You have this cute way of totally getting into the game, scrunching up your face, and firing your torpedo's at the target like you are not sitting in our living room but are actually in a fighter jet 30,000 miles in the air. The kids love this too.

21. I love that you are such a hard worker and your family is so important to you. You have never wanted me to work (unless I really wanted to) and have allowed me the privilege of being home raising our family. We are all so lucky to have you.

22. I love that you will be embarrassed by all the things I have just said about you. I am sure you will argue with me about a few of them saying you are undeserving. That is why I love you so.


  posted at 12:01 AM  

At 11:31 AM, Blogger missy said...

How sweet!

It's so funny too--I just did one of these yesterday for my hubby!! Ours only has 10 things for 10 years though.

We even share one in common! My hubby will come home from work without question if I need him, too. Aren't they great?!?

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! Congrats on your 22 years! Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. I love your blog design!

At 11:48 AM, Blogger heidi @ ggip said...

That is so sweet. Congrats on 22 years!

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Deedra said...

Congratulations! This was such a sweet post! I hope you guys had a wonderful anniversary!


At 7:17 AM, Blogger Overwhelmed! said...

Julie, I just love this post. How very lovely! #2 made me laugh. :)

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I love your blog too. I see Susie did another great blog design, for you! :)

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Melanie said...

What a beautiful, loving tribute to your DH! Happy Anniversary to you both! May you be blessed with many, many more happy years together!

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet. Has he read this?

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Katherine@Raising Five said...

Sounds like you´ve got a keeper there! 1985 really WAS a great year to get married, I must admit!


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I am a spontaneous, out going, daughter of the King, who is married to a wonderful guy who is a quiet, shy, non-spontaneous, scientist who also loves the Lord. Truly a match made in heaven! We fight and argue, love and laugh, every single day. I am passionate about orphan care and love to tell our story to anyone who will listen. This blog is dedicated to that journey.

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