Saturday, December 22, 2007
Ditching All The Work And Just Having Fun

The last week before Christmas has come to an end and what a week it was.

Presents were wrapped, school parties were attended, neighbors joyfully celebrated the season together. Does it have to end?

This morning I woke up and realized the house really needed some attention. So, the slaves were called in to service. Sometimes we also call these people the children.

Once the downstairs was cleaned I couldn't stand it anymore. I declared the house was clean enough and off we went to have some more fun.

We went to lunch and then to the outdoor promenade mall which was blissfully absent of shoppers. We listened to the carolers and the kids got their faces painted for FREE. We then walked over to the movie theatre and took in Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Well, Dave and the other kids did. Paige was scared of the little critters and only made it through the first ten minutes of the movie. She and I went to Starbucks and listened to the music some more.

I firmly believe that laundry and house work should be outlawed for the Christmas season. There is way to much fun out their waiting for us to be locked in our laundry room sorting socks.

So, go forth my friends and have fun, and if your family complains you just blame it all on me. Really. I won't mind one bit.

The only thing that would make this Christmas perfect would be snow. Since their is no hope of any of that white stuff coming my way I went out and bought a flocked wreath for the front door. Isn't she pretty?
I have no idea why the picture is crooked. Perhaps I have eaten so much sugar this week my body was in some sort of shock and unable to hold the camera still. That is the explanation I am going with at least.

I hope you have been able to take some time to just enjoy the season. It will all be over before we know it.

Merry Christmas.


  posted at 9:50 PM  

At 10:30 AM, Blogger heidi @ ggip said...

Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Crissybug said...

I second the motion to No Laundry. I have piles that I need to do, but I think that door will just stay shut for a few more days. I hope you guys have a wonderful Merry Christmas!

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a very Merry Christmas!


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I am a spontaneous, out going, daughter of the King, who is married to a wonderful guy who is a quiet, shy, non-spontaneous, scientist who also loves the Lord. Truly a match made in heaven! We fight and argue, love and laugh, every single day. I am passionate about orphan care and love to tell our story to anyone who will listen. This blog is dedicated to that journey.

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James 1:27

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